Okay, just going to answer some questions... :)
1. ok, I've got a REAL question for ya: what font on Suzy's banner did you use for Suzy Q and Juliet and where can I get it? It's so pretty!
*grins* Glad you like it. Seems you’re starting to like fonts as much as I do…that can’t be good ;) You already found the font, but just wanted to say that I also added it to my fonts page (*points to link on the left*) :)
2. haha forget it... I just found it through your type:obsession page thing. I'm a resourceful girl, aren't I?
Hehe, very. :) You looked at my fanlistings page? Awww, how sweet.
3. What are your favourite fonts?
It really depends what I’m using it for…some are good for titles/headlines, some are good for actual blocks of writing, some are just for fun or from movies, logos, etc. …I put some of the ones I like on my fonts page, but there are a lot of others that I like as well.
4. How many bytes in a sandwich?
Um…I don’t know about yours, but my sandwiches tend to have more along the lines of, say, a burger or lettuce or ketchup or something than any bytes…of course, I maybe could have been making sandwiches just
entirely wrong all these years…why didn’t anyone tell me?!
5. Ni hao ma?
Not bad, thanks.
6. Pourquoi est-ce que la poule a traversé la rue?
Puisqu’elle n’aime plus la classe du Français. Elle essayait d'être heurtée par une voiture. (If any of that is wrong, blame it on my French "tutor" over at
Altavista Translations...) :)